Monday, June 27, 2011

Defiance (2008)

Based on the true story of the Polish (now Belarus) Bielski Partisians, this film stars Daniel Craig as Tuvia Bielski, the eldest brother of four whose parents are killed when the Nazis liquidate the Jewish community where they lived. The siblings escape into the woods and hide out to escape the death squads. However, there are other Jews who have also got away and the population of the forest camp quickly rises to hundreds. Tuvia, the self-appointed leader, makes sure to organize the people into a working community but the second-eldest, Zus (Liev Schreiber), doesn't agree with his brother's methods and leaves to fight with the Russian resistance. This secret society struggles to survive, not only trying to avoid the Gestapo but also starvation and the harsh winter.

Available: Netflix, Amazon

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