Wednesday, June 15, 2011

You Only Live Twice (1967)

This is the fifth film in the James Bond series based on the books written by Ian Fleming. It again stars Sean Connery as the MI6 agent.

It seems that someone unidentified has sent up a spacecraft that is hijacking both U.S. and soviet spaceships. This UFO is believed to be coming back to earth around the Sea of Japan. James Bond has been sent to the Orient to try to find out who may be stealing these space capsules. After some mysterious disappearances and deaths around a dormant volcano, Bond is turned into a Japanese man and married to a woman from the island. There they discover that the volcano is actually a SPECTRE headquarters. Blofeld (Donald Pleasence) and his henchmen have concocted a plan to get the two superpowers into a conflict (although I am not exactly sure why). It's up to James Bond to save the day!

Available: Netflix, Amazon

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